Aidells Organic Chicken & Apple Sausage; Fully Cooked; Gluten Free; Made with All WHOLE30-Approved Ingredients
So this weekend promises to be a hectic one if today (Friday) is any indication. With Hubs recuperating from a minor medical procedure; the baby still fussy from teething and recovering from her somewhat traumatic 6-month pediatrician visit yesterday; and my mother busy with several church activities. I’m left to figure out dinner with very little time and my still-depleted energy levels.. Hmm…I’m noticing a theme here.
Fortunately, I’d discovered these fantastic sausages at our local Wal-Mart earlier in the week while searching for something new to offer the fam for dinner. They’re all organic, made with chicken and apples. Plus they taste great! And check out the ingredients above. Notice anything? Hint – there’s no added sugar and no funky chemicals like MSG, nitrites, nitrates etc. Plus, these little beauties are 100% gluten free – which is huge for our family! My mother is not doing the WHOLE30 with us but does have Celiac (Coeliac) Disease, so we are always a gluten free household. Best of all (at least today), these beauties are fully cooked on arrival. Hallelujah! I prepped ours in the oven and served along my favorite crispy roasted green beans. An even faster preparation would be to grill or sauté the sausages and then add them to some steamed cabbage, seasoned with salt and clarified butter. Maybe with some unsweetened applesauce and good German mustard along side…yummy!
One caveat: sausages of any kind are not what the Hartwigs would call high quality protein. So I augment the protein content of the meal by adding hard-boiled eggs to the tossed salad I serve with dinner every night. What’s that you say? You’re not having a salad with dinner every night? You should really remedy that pronto. Here’s to happy eating and a healthy weekend to all!
Wisdom of the Day:
But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!
~Psalm 31:14-15 (English Standard Version)
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