#Whole30 Round 2 Days 4-5

….Kill ALL the Things? No, But I Might Trade Our Shiba Inu for a Pepsi Maxx!

Are You Talking about Me?

Are You Talking about Me? You MUST Be Talking about Me. I’m the Only Shiba Inu Here!

During our first Whole30, I relied heavily on the official #Whole30 Timeline 2.0 available on the Whole30 website. The timeline served as a sort of roadmap, reassuring me that I was more or less staying on course and that my struggles were normal, especially during the difficult days. This time is no different. The following is an excerpt from the official #Whole30 Timeline 2.0 for days 4-5.

“Days 4-5: Kill ALL the things! Day 4 dawns and you tentatively step out of bed, expecting to feel like you took a strike from Thor’s hammer in the temple. Instead, your head is surprisingly clear. Your limbs all feel functional. This could be a good day! You walk into the kitchen and as you’re greeted by the smiling face of your significant other you are suddenly overcome…with the desire to punch them in the face for smiling this early in the morning. Congratulations! You’ve made it to day 4…It’s probably because your brain is never very happy when you tell it that it CAN’T have something, and take it out of it’s habitual and accustomed comfort zone. An unhappy brain is a stressed brain, an anxious brain, a fearful brain. No to mention your hormones are desperately trying to keep up with your new food choices, your gut is trying to heal, you’ve had a headache for the last three days, and you REALLY MISS YOUR DIET COKE. So yeah, maybe we do know why this is happening now…”

In all honesty, I probably entered this second go-round a tad over-confident, and my recent pre-Whole30 diet hasn’t been as clean as I’ve been telling myself. As I’ve written previously, we’re prepping for our daughter’s first birthday party. And I’ve been using the upcoming celebration as an excuse to test out several new cookie recipes including my pretty Pink Paleo Macaroons and not-yet-published Paleo/Vegan Magic Cookie Bars recipe. Truth is, I probably ate cookies (plural, as in more than one) every single day in August. I’d also resumed the nasty habit of consuming 1-2 diet sodas daily, and boy am I paying for it now! My body is seriously craving sweets and caffeine. I’m suffering from major headaches, brain fog and irritability. Mercifully, this round is MUCH easier thanks to the recent Whole30 approval of Nut Pods Unsweetened Coffee Creamers!

Whole30 Mama Needs Caffeine!!!

Even Whole30 Mamas Need Caffeine!!!

I’m not homicidal. Thank goodness! But I am seriously lacking (my normal) patience for dealing with our dogs, especially our poor Shiba Inu, CJ. Poor CJ. He such a sweet boy…most of the time. He adores our baby girl. But sometimes that’s the problem. He’s constantly circling around her, especially now that she’s attempting to eat solid foods. He’s always underfoot as he forages around her highchair for her droppings.

Doggies circling like vultures

Doggies circling like vultures

The little terrier, Brewster, is stealthy, and is the first to pounce on any baby food that hits the first. CJ moves slower and more deliberately, determined to pick up ay small pieces Brewster missed. But CJ gets himself stuck in the most unfortunate positions – like this one (which happened when he was nosing around after crumbs), leaving me to have to help him get “un-stuck.” IMG_4758
And CJ tends to bark repeatedly every time I get the baby down for her afternoon nap. So frustrating! I then find myself barking (shouting) back at him to “shut up, you’ll wake the baby,” which of course wakes her up immediately making me even more frustrated, mostly with myself for having an argument with a dog.

Luckily (for CJ’s sake), the Whole30 folks state that this phase doesn’t last. And, I’m doing my best to remind myself that I made it through these rough patches last time and the rewards are more than worth the discomfort. So, I’ll have another cup of Nut Pods-spiked coffee and look forward to some yummy (leftover) rotisserie chicken stir fry for dinner, one of my favorite recipe discoveries from our first Whole30.

Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Stir Fry with Riced Cauliflower

Leftover Rotisserie Chicken Stir Fry with Riced Cauliflower

Beauty Resource for the Day:
Anyone who’s read my posts knows by now I love Tati Westbrook, AKA “GlamLifeGuru.” Love. Her. Her most recent video is the perfect example of why. Unlike many YouTube gurus who tout the most expensive department store makeup products, Tati has created a new video tag titled “Nothing over $10,” the challenge being to create a beautiful full face of makeup look using only products under $10. Watch as she executes the challenge flawlessly and jot down the excellent and inexpensive products she uses:

Wisdom for the Day:
“Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.” ~Ecclesiastes 7:8 (New Living Translation)
Read more here.

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